Creating Conversations For Business
Chances are, you are visiting me because you are launching a new business and you are stuck with these two things:
1. How to brand yourself in the online space.
2. How to network to generate more leads.
Am I right or am I right?
I can assure you that you are in the right place!
Have you ever listened to a networking PROFESSIONAL start a conversation?
It’s a beautiful thing because it always comes across as effortless.
I used to be in complete amazement when I would witness these conversations.
I often wondered if it was a talent or a learned skill.
Are these leaders born with a special gift or did they have to learn it?
I have studied, followed, and interviewed dozens of top leaders in the industry.
Turns out, It is a learned skill and the good news is, you can start learning today!
So you have seen me on FB in The Live Lounge or downloaded one of my freebies on IG or you are on my waitlist for my online community!
Over the past few years, I have been building my business using social media.
I have seen a tremendous growth surge lately and it’s all because I started to build on a solid foundation.
I discovered that putting the Instagram business puzzle together produced INCOME and INFLUENCE.
I must admit it was very daunting at first.
It was intimidating even to someone like me.
It was like learning a whole other language.
After all, I have owned and operated a corporate branding business for 20 years and so I thought Instagram would be a breeze…….
My intention was to bring my business onto IG, add a little personality, and BOOM instant success!
Hold up…….
That’s not what happened.
I want to shed some Instagram light on the situation in hopes to share some secrets that you can learn and use; instead of getting scared and hiding out and lurking.
You know what lurking is don’t you?
Lurking is when you creep around other people’s stuff and never interact.
You never give feedback because you are afraid “they” may check out YOUR profile and see how pathetic and weak it is!!!!
That was me by the way……
There, I said it.
I am proud to get it off of my chest because it’s been way too heavy!
This is for all my personal mentors that I secretly stalked and never interacted with or gave any credit to.
I want to thank all of you with my whole heart.
You are all so beautifully unique in your own way, and that is what makes you so very special to me!
Are you ready for the cold hard truth about social selling?
If you try and cheat, you WILL crash and burn…….PERIOD.
What do I mean by cheat?
Have you ever spent time watching your favorite influencer/mentor and said:
“I can do that”
“I know how to do this”
“I got this”
Then, you went out and did a photo shoot or a live video, using a lot of your mentor’s original ideas and likeness?
What happened?
Oh, let me guess, CRICKETS?
Very little engagement?
No comments?
No one seemed to care, let alone comment.
Are you feeling me yet?
I hope so because I’ve been there …..
and it sucks.
Allow me to introduce myself
Learn The True Secrets To Instagram Power
No matter what you did, no one really cared or was even paying attention.
Then, you said “maybe this isn’t for me after all” and you start to think of quitting.
This hurts bad, doesn’t it?
To actually want to quit on your dreams?
The reason why you want to quit is simple.
You have not discovered your true authentic self.
You are trying to take shortcuts by using other people’s ideas and making them your own.
This fake persona you are building will not work long-term because it is not you!
And let me tell you, if you keep trying to do this, it will create demons in you that you never even know existed..
Do the self-discovery work and you will finally start to see success, period.
I mean, take a step back and take a really good look at your life and what you stand for.
Then, take what you are PASSIONATE about and roll them together, and voila!
A star is born!
There are 3 fundamental steps everyone must take to start and grow their business online. You cannot skip or omit any of these steps…..You must GROW through them.
This can be HIGHLY uncomfortable at times.
It may also be so empowering and joyful that you simply never look back!

Lets Talk More!!
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Don’t Get Stuck Here! Don’t Quit!
I hope you will trust yourself with this incredible journey you are about to embark on with me.
If you can stick to it, what you will find on the other side is as close to heaven as you will ever get to on earth.
I want you to know that I did what I am about to teach you without spending a dime on ads or hours of prospecting in groups.
What I am referring to is the FOUNDATION of your business or as I like to call it “The Inner Work.”
This work NEEDS to be done in order for you to be successful.
You can complete it in segments, or all at once.
You will need to be super clear with who you are so that you know WHO you want to help!
Remember that it is the QUALITY of the soil BEFORE you plant the seed that will make all the difference my friend.
So, as you labor through the weeds and sand and muck (the inner work), you will produce beautiful and hearty soil.
Don’t get stuck here though, so many people do and quit.
I don’t want that to be you.
Remember, you can make changes later on as you progress.
The first phase of your new and budding business is the foundation phase.
This is the foundation on which your business will be built on.
The soil represents your desires.
The soil also represents your deep beliefs.
Remember this…..
Even if your circumstances tell a different story at the moment.
The seed represents the growth and pain you are going to feel when you climb to higher levels.
No one talks about this process because it is uncomfortable.
I am sure most would like to omit it from their story altogether.
Failing as you move forward is a true testimony of character and self-worth.
Can I Let You In On A Secret?
The first phase of your new and budding business is the foundation phase.
This is the foundation on which your business will be built on.
The soil represents your desires.
The soil also represents your deep beliefs.
Remember this…..
Even if your circumstances tell a different story at the moment.
The seed represents the growth and pain you are going to feel when you climb to higher levels.
No one talks about this process because it is uncomfortable.
I am sure most would like to omit it from their story altogether.
Failing as you move forward is a true testimony of character and self-worth.
Are you starting to see why it’s so important to focus on this?
The key to your success is doing the same things day after day until you get comfortable and it becomes second nature to you.
As you begin to craft your story or your “WHY” it’s time to start partaking in some conversations.
Interacting in FB groups that interest you is a great place to start!
You will need to reach out to people, be social and connect every day and all the time. Online and in real life.
The sooner you start making these connections the better.
In fact, I would recommend that you put this into practice before you launch your business.
This way you will give yourself the opportunity to make lots of new connections.
Relationship building is a PROCESS.
It doesn’t take 3 touches before you ask someone to join you.
There is much more to it than that.
I want you to become very good at SIFTING and SORTING.
The more you get to know someone, the better you will know if you actually even WANT them in your organization or not!
Remember, YOU get to choose who you will be working with based on these conversations.
YOU are the expert, the leader…..
You must step into this role straight out of the gate.
When you start your business with posture and confidence it shows.
If social selling has been a disappointment to you, why not start fresh with me at phase 1?
Let’s focus on building up your network and making some new friends!
Developing your mindset is the most important piece of the puzzle.
Grow your influence quick and launch, grow and monetize your business today with:
The 3 pillars of social selling.
Because remember, you are not low in SALES.. You are low in CONNECTIONS my friend.
See you on the inside!